Twelve Holy Days

Twelve Holy Days is the holy period from December 26 to January 6 in the Esoteric Christian interpretation of the Christmas season.


Cosmological pattern

The night between December 24 and 25 is considered to be the most Holy Night, when the visible Sun, the seat of the invisible[1] "Light of the World", the Christ,[2] commences its journey from the south to the north. Astrologically, on the night when the sun commences the visible northward journey, to save the northern hemisphere of the globe from a perpetual winter and consequent extermination of life should the sun remain always in the south, the zodiacal sign Virgo, the Celestial Virgin (the "Queen of Heaven"), stands upon the eastern horizon at midnight; thus the Savior is "born of a virgin" without other intermediary, hence, "immaculately conceived."[3]

Spiritual dimension

Every year, on December 25 the Christ Spirit enters the heart of Earth and the planet is swept by powerful solstitial radiations, through the dynamic fluid crystal-like[4] ethereal[5] structure of Space,[6][7] becoming enveloped by the light of the Archangelic Christ and therefore Christmas is considered the most Holy Day of the year. From December 26 to January 6, Epiphany or the "Twelfth Day", the twelve Zodiacal hierarquies[8] work upon the Earth and its life forms, along with the Christ light which continues throughout the twelve holy days.[9]

As also defined in the liturgical calendar,[10] the night of January 6, that precedes daytime, Epiphany or the "Twelfth Day" (as with the Christmas Day, the associated evenings of the twelve days begin on the evening before the specified day), is seen as the Twelfth Night, the time when the "Rite of Baptism" was performed in early Christianity. This period of twelve-day interval, initiating after Christmas Day and culminating with the Celebration of the Epiphany, is regarded as the spiritual heart of the year to follow and is termed the year's "Holy of Holies".

The Twelve Holy Days
Holy Day Zodiacal Hierarchy Solar month Body center Disciple Bible meditation
December 26 Aries March 20 to April 21 the head James, brother of John (pioneer, first disciple) Behold, I make all things new.-Revelation 21:5
December 27 Taurus April 21 to May 22 the throat Andrew (humility) He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God.-I John 4: 16
December 28 Gemini May 22 to June 22 the hands Thomas (his doubts, natural to the mortal mind, were transcended) Be still, and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10
December 29 Cancer June 22 to July 23 the solar plexus Nathaniel (a mystic in whom there is no guile) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.-I John 1:7
December 30 Leo July 23 to August 24 the heart Judas (personality must always wane that spirit may wax strong) Love is the fulfilling of the law.-Romans 13: 10
December 31 Virgo August 24 to September 23 the intestinal tract James the Just, brother of Jude and Simon (purity of character and consecration to selfless service) But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11
January 1 Libra September 23 to October 24 the adrenal glands Jude (a minister of the beautiful) Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.-John 8: 32
January 2 Scorpio October 24 to November 23 the generative system John the Beloved (transmutation is the keynote) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.-Matthew 5:8
January 3 Sagittarius November 23 to December 22 the sacral plexus Philip (a spiritualized mind) Ye are the light -of the world.-Matthew 5:14
January 4 Capricorn December 22 to January 20 the knees Simon brother of James and Jude (his one desire was to serve the Lord) Let the Christ be formed in you.-Galatians 4:19
January 5 Aquarius January 20 to February 19 the two lower limbs Matthew (he renounced all worldly possessions) Ye are my friends.-John 15:4
January 6 Pisces February 19 to March 20 the feet Peter (through his faith, became the Rock of Initiation on which the church was founded) So God created man in his own image. Genesis 1: 27

See also


  1. ^ “the invisible things of Him are clearly seen in the things that are made” ( Rom.1:20); cf. Psalm 19:1-6
  2. ^ Note: cf. Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:16; Revelation 22:16
  3. ^ Heindel, Max (1910s). The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas. ISBN 0-911274-65-0
  4. ^ Note: cf. Revelation 4:6
  5. ^ Aspden, Harold (1927 - 2011; PhD. Cantab). The Heresy of the Aether. 1998
  6. ^ Heindel, Max, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception (Chapter I.2, The Etheric Region of the Physical World), 1909, ISBN 0-911274-34-0
  7. ^ The Physics of Creation: Chapter 7 - Aether Structure (2003) by Harold Aspden. PhD. Trinity/University of Cambridge, 1953/4
  8. ^ Max Heindel (1909), The Twelve Great Creative Hierarchies
  9. ^ Heline, Corinne (1954). New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol. VII Mystery of the Christos: The Twelve Holy Days. ISBN 0-933963-07-6
  10. ^ "The Customs of Christmastide: The Twelve Days of Christmas". Holy Trinity (German) Catholic Church. 

Further reading